Modular Fence Panels
We sell portable modular fence panels. These panels come either 5' or 10' long and 5' or 6' high. These are typically used to build dog kennels but can be used as an enclosure for any animal. Panels are secured to each other and to support posts using premium galvanized painted steel brackets. Our mesh is all 9 gauge which means that it is much stronger than the mesh sold in box stores and will have a longer lifespan.

DIY Materials Packages - No Dig!
Looking to get a brand new black chain link fence but want to save some cost? We sell these panels as materials and offer guidance on installation. The entire system uses just one type of bracket to secure panels together and panels to posts. We sell panels, gates, and posts as kits. Posts are easy to drive into the ground 1 1/2" to 2' deep for runs of panels longer than 10' in total. This system is movable so there is no need to dig and set posts below the frost line.
Full Installation
If you are looking for a temporary or movable fencing solution but still want a professional installation then we are here for you! We will supply AND install our modular system if you so desire.
We currently sell and will always sell this system and parts, so if you ever want to change or add on in the future, we have you covered.
We only stock black because that is 95% of what we sell and it is the least expensive. We do have other colours available - please ask us about this if it interests you.